Tuesday 10 July 2018

ADF: ADF Table clear Filter

ADF: ADF Table clear Filter

    public void resetFieldTableFilter()
        try {
            FilterableQueryDescriptor queryDescriptor =
            if (queryDescriptor != null &&
                queryDescriptor.getFilterCriteria() != null) {
                this.getFieldTable().queueEvent(new QueryEvent(this.getFieldTable(),
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (AppsLogger.isEnabled(AppsLogger.SEVERE)) {
                                 "Exception in  resetFieldTableFilter :" +
                                 e.getMessage() + " ", AppsLogger.SEVERE);

Tuesday 3 July 2018

ADF : SkipValidation

ADF : SkipValidation


1. Set Immediate = true property for both tabs:
2. Open page definition file and select root tag, Go to Properties window and search for SkipValidation property. Set SkipValidation to true:

Monday 26 March 2018

ADF : Best tutorial links

ADF: How to check whether particular View Object’s data is modified or not

ADF: How to check whether particular View Object’s data is modified or not?

 Create following method in ViewImpl class of your view object.

public boolean isdirty()
boolean flag=false;
DepartmentsViewRowImpl crow =(DepartmentsViewRowImpl)this.getCurrentRow();
EntityImpl entity= crow.getDepartments();
byte state=entity.getEntityState();
return flag;




ADF: Custom Error Handler in Model layer

ADF: Custom Error Handler in Model layer



In Model Project

Step1 : custom error handler that extends the DCErrorHandlerImpl class

        public final class MyErrorMessageHandler extends DCErrorHandlerImpl {

                public String getDisplayMessage(BindingContext ctx, Exception ex) { 
                        String message=""; 
                        if (ex instanceof oracle.jbo.ValidationException) { 

                                String msg = ex.getMessage(); 
                                int i=msg.indexOf("JBO-25013");//When JBO-25013 Too many object match promary key exception occur. 
                                    message= "Duplicate Employee Id Found."; 
                                message= getDisplayMessage(ctx,ex); 
                        return message;            

In View Project

Step2 :  Register MyCustomErrorHandler class into Databinding.cpx file.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
    <Application xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adfm/application" 
    version="" id="DataBindings" SeparateXMLFiles="false" 
    Package="com.in.adftutorials.view" ClientType="Generic" 

Wednesday 28 June 2017

ADF : ADF Table not displaying rows 1st time.

ADF : ADF Table not displaying rows 1st time.

If we are using <af:quickQuery component against VO (ADF table), always we should mark "Query Automatically" checked, other wise rows will not be displayed 1st time when we land to the page.